Kodak Professional Gold 200 Color Negative Film (120 Roll Film)

Key Features
  • Daylight-Balanced Color Negative Film
  • ISO 200/24° in C-41 Process
  • Fine Grain and High Sharpness
  • Wide Exposure Latitude
  • Rich Color Saturation


Kodak Professional Gold 200 is a medium-speed, daylight-balanced color negative film known for its vivid color saturation, fine grain, and high sharpness. With an ISO rating of 200, it is perfect for capturing bright, colorful images under natural light or when using an electronic flash. Its wide exposure latitude allows for flexibility, accommodating up to two stops underexposure and three stops overexposure, making it versatile in various lighting conditions. The fine grain structure ensures high-quality results, making it suitable for both scanning and enlarging photographs. This film is ideal for general photography, including portraits and outdoor scenes, providing warm tones and natural contrast​.

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