CineStill 400D Dynamic Versatile Color Negative Film (120 Medium Format, iso 400)


  • ISO 400 daylight balanced 120 medium format color negative film
  • Safe for C-41 processing at photo labs or at home with Cs41 kit
  • Process-surviving anti-static lubricant coating
  • Acetate base
  • Wide exposure latitude
  • Can be push-processed up to 3 stops
  • Halation can occur at in-focus, overexposed highlights


CineStill 400D Dynamic is a revolutionary 120 medium format, ISO 400, daylight balanced color negative film designed for a wide range of photography. It boasts a soft color palette with natural saturation and rich, warm skin tones, suitable for various lighting conditions. This film is safe for C-41 processing at photo labs or at home using a Cs41 kit. Featuring a process-surviving anti-static lubricant coating, it offers a wide exposure latitude and can be push-processed up to three stops. The film’s fine grain and ability to capture halation in overexposed highlights make it uniquely expressive. Designed specifically for still photography, 400D is versatile enough for indoor or studio use and features a dynamic range that supports ratings from 200 to 800 ISO, with the capability of pushing up to 3200 ISO for enhanced creativity and flexibility​​.

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